Note N3494
Mrs. Riggs was a member of the United Presbyterian Church of Osawatomie and had served as a trustee and as treasurer for 12 years. She was also a member of the United Presbyterian Women; a 50-year member of Osawatomie Chapter No. 26, Order of Eastern Star; and Chapter DO of the P.E.O. Sisterhood of Osawatomie.
Note N3495
He had served in the Civil War and the last few years of his life was given to the work of the martyr being an ordained minister of the United Brethren Church.
Note N3496
She was a member of the M. E. Church, having given her heart to God in early childhood and had lived a life of a true christian, winning the love of everyone as evidenced by the loving care tended her during her long illness. Her patient endurance was beautiful to behold. Her common expression being, " I am only waiting until my Saviour sees fit to call me home."
Note N3497
Sarah was awarded a Civil War Widows Pension on 10 Mar 1919, certificate 870340, based on George's service. Mentioned in his brother John's obituary.
"MRS. SARA LEEBRICK Mrs. Sara Noblet Leebrick widow of George Thomas Leebrick died at her home in Halifax Tuesday, at the age of 89 years. Survivors are a brother and one sister, Samuel R. Noblet and Mrs. J. J. Rouch, both of Harrisburg.
Funeral services will be held from the residence at two o'clock Saturday afternoon. Rev. Dr. John H. Hartman, pastor of the Halifax Methodist Church will officiate and interment will be made in the Halifax cemetery. The body may be viewed at the home, Friday evening, after seven o'clock."--26 Oct 1933, The Elizabethville (PA) Echo
Note N3498
Burnett held rank of TEC 5 in the 304th Infantry, 76th Division. Permanent cemetery is the Hamm, block H, Row 13, Grave 78, marked with a cross.
"The following men were listed as killed on the Office of War Information casualty list for today. Stories appeared in The Star when the next of kin was notified......T/5 Burnett R. Leebrick, son of Mrs. Nannie Markham, 3321 O street N.W."--7 April 1945, Evening Star (Washington DC)
Note N3499
Nannie was listed as the "next of kin" on the interment record for Burnett R Leebrick, in Luxembourg. Nannie was Burnett's mother.
Note N3500
Note N3501
Gravestone shared with husband, name is Rosa P Doller (sp)
Note N3502
Came through the port of New Orleans from LeHavre, France on the ship Belle Assisse. Michel was person #174 on the manifest. There were 350 total passengers.
"Theresia Hettel was appointed executrix of Michael Hettel, deceased. Estate, $1000 in realty."--12 Sep 1872, The Cincinnati (OH) Enquirer
Note N3503
Came through the port of New Orleans from LeHavre, France on the ship Belle Assisse. Joseph was person #175 on the manifest.
Note N3504
Came through the port of New Orleans from LeHavre, France on the ship Belle Assisse. Thesea was person #176 on the manifest.
"NOTICE -- ALL PERSONS INTERESTED will take notice that the City of Cincinnati will, on the 28th day of January, 1873, at 10 o'clock A.M., make an application to the Hon. Judge Murdock, in Room No. 4 of the Hamilton County Coimmon Please Court, for the impaneling of a jury to assess the compensation to be paid for the property described in the following application.....the members elected ot the Board concurring t herein, did declare that it was necessary to condemn and appropriate to the public use for street purposes..the following described property, to wit:...Lot 4.--Commencing at at point in the present west line of Ravine street...subdivision of Mohawk; belonging to Timothy Kirby, and in which Theresia Hettel, Joseph Hettel, Tobias Hettel, Christine Schott, and Philip Schott, her husband, Andrew Hettel, Theresia Haab, and Adam Haab, her husband, George Hettel, and John Hettel, a minor, Mine Hettel, a minor, and Carolind Hettel, a minor, and Theresia Hettel, guardian of said minors, claim an interest."--31 Dec 1872, The Cincinnati (OH) Enquirer