Note N3163
Listed as age 64 in 1856 Iowa Census. Listed as age 70 in 1860 Federal Census.
Doug Eckland gives Virginia as birthplace and marriage details as June 19, 1788.
1856 census indicates Nancy arrived in state 11 years ago, giving an arrival year of 1845.
Note N3164
Names spelled John Chany and Jerusia Robinett, per Maryland Marriage source.
Note N3165
There are a number of entries in this document bearing the names of these two individuals. It appears that Enoch was a Justice during part of this time, but the reason for both of their names in numerous entries of various dates is not clear.
Note N3166
Age given in 1880 census is 31.
Note N3167
Age given in 1880 census is 33. Maybe Census taker got her age mixed up with husband's.
Note N3168
Age given as 6 years
Note N3169
Age given in 1880 census was 4 years old.
Note N3170
Age given in 1880 census was 2 years old
Note N3171
Age given as 2 months in 1880 census
Note N3172
Age given as 8 years old in 1880 census
Note N3173
Occupation was listed as Engineer in 1900 census.
Alternate birthdate is 30 Aug 1859 in Wisconsin, per find-a-grave.
1870, 1910, 1920,1930 Census birthplace listed as Wisconsin.
1900 Census birthplace listed as Missouri.
Note N3174
Birthplace given as NY in 1860 Census and on Wisconsin Civil War Draft Registration.
Gives age as 34 on Draft Registration completed June 1863.
Per Joseph F Conner Bio, The family formerly was from New York, then emigrated to Wisconsin in an early day, and after the war came to Missouri and settled in Clinton, Johnson county, Missouri.
There is a John Joseph Budd and Mary Budd appearing in New York state as early as 1855, he having birthplace of England and her as New York. His occupation being Vetinary Surgeon. I don't believe this is the family connected to the Conners.
Note N3175
Age given as 60 years old in 1880 Federal census
"Sheriff's Sale Archibald Stinson vs. Jackson Bates Order of Sale By virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Fayette county, Ohio, I will expose to public sale at the residence of Jackson Bates, in Marion township, Fayette county, Ohio, on Friday the 31st day of January, AD 1862 between the hours of 10 o'clock AM and 4 o'clock PM of said day, the following personal property: One bay mare, 6 years old; one bay suckling colt; one yearling bay cold. Taken as the property of Jackson Bates at the suit of Archibald Stinson. Terms cash. WILLIAM SMITH, Sheriff Fayette co., O." --Fayette County (OH) Herald Thurs 23 Jan 1862
"Sheriff's Sale. Gideon Gamble and John Coever, as Administrators of the esate of Samuel Coover, deceased, plaintiffs, against Jackson Bates and Ruhamey Bates, defendants. Order of Sale on Foreclosure of Mortgage, Case Number 1280.
PURSUANT to the command of an order of sale, from the Court of Ccommon Pleas of Fayette county, Ohio, and to me directed,, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the door of the Court House in the town of Washington...To be sold to satisfy said mortgage lien, also two executions, one in favor of Samuel Coover's Administrators, and one in favor of John Webb. Terms of sale, cash..."--20 Jan 1867, Fayette County (OH) Herald